You are on the right track if you have decided to save yourself some money by remortgaging your current loan. Remortgaging is a great way to ensure lesser interest rates on your monthly mortgage repayments. Re-mortgage rates can have a big impact on what it costs you to own the house. Hence, the fundamental thing before striking a new remortgaging deal is to compare remortgage rates.

Remortgage interest rates can moderately vary when comparing one lender with another. You can compare the interest rates of different lenders and choose what suits you the best. Now the question comes, how to compare remortgage deals and rates to your benefit. So let us begin and take a look at it.

How to Compare Re-mortgage Rates?

The first thing that you will notice while comparing the interest rates on mortgage rate comparison websites is the use of the rate tables. Rate tables help you determine the lender’s interest rate, products that can be mortgaged, and estimated monthly payments you will have to pay.

Rate tables are useful mortgage comparison tools using which you can get a fair idea of how well remortgaging will work for you. But remember, different websites have a different version of the rate table, so comparison must be made carefully.

How is One Lender’s Rate Table Different from Another?

No two lender’s work precisely the same way as their competitor. Every lender offers different terms, loans, and fees. This brings a difference in the parameters of their respected rate table. Moreover, if you review a similar rate table after a few days, you will find completely different rates as compared to your previous session. It is so because interest rates regularly change due to inflation and deflation of the economic market.

Secondly, there might be variation in the interest rates for different mortgage products. For instance, a 10-year fixed-rate mortgage will usually have a lower interest rate than a 20-year fixed-rate mortgage.

Comparing Different Re-mortgage Offers

The foremost thing you should do is to get a new remortgage proposal from your existing lender. If their remortgage deal offers a better rate of interest, it indicates that you might get even lower interest rates from the market. To further compare remortgage deals, use the following tips:

  1. Ask for remortgage quotations from multiple lenders such as credit unions, banks, and authorized online institutions.
  2. Get the loan estimate form from the lenders. It is a form given by the lenders which mention loan’s terms and fees.
  3. Consider the capital repayments and any upfront fees that the lender charges.
  4. Look out for incentives such as cashback or discounts offered by the lender.
  5. Consult a professional mortgage broker for detailed guidance and attractive remortgage deals.

Final Thoughts

By comparing remortgage rates, you will have better insights and greater negotiation power with the lender. Your previous mortgage proves your creditworthiness and reliability, which makes you a great prospect for the lenders. If still, you have questions and doubts on how to compare remortgage deals, you can refer to a mortgage broker. Zinga Mortgages are one of the top advisors in London that can assist you with all kinds of queries and provide guidance for a smooth remortgage deal.

